Lynne Sachs’ Films on Ovid

With the help of an unprecedented collaborative effort by eight of the most noteworthy, independent film distribution companies in the U.S., Docuseek, LLC launched an innovative, new, subscription video-on-demand service,

Lynne Sachs Featured on The Screen’s Margins Podcast

The Screen’s Margins Podcast12/23/2021Oll Obout Ovid! No. 21 – All the World’s Memory, Lost Course, the works of Lynne Sachs, and more! FULL EPISODE AVAILABLE HERE:–No–21—All-the-Worlds-Memory–Lost-Course–the-works-of-Lynne-Sachs–and-more-e1c12ib/a-a74q63m Welcome to the 99th and final podcast from THE SCREEN’S MARGINS of the year! What a year it’s been, and what better way to round out 2021 than […]

Chicago Filmmakers: Agitate Essential Cinema

These artists, in concert, express resistance and exuberance in equal measure, each using unique dimensions of cinematic space, ranging from abstract-material to narrative approaches, presenting a collage of phenomenological records of identity and a rebuttal to the term: “Essential Cinema”.