Other Cinema: SISTERS’ PICTURES / Contractions
Creative responses by US women artists–both individually and collectively– to last year’s deplorable dismantling of Roe Vs. Wade
Creative responses by US women artists–both individually and collectively– to last year’s deplorable dismantling of Roe Vs. Wade
A Month of Single Frames featured in The Collector.
Contractions featured in Cosmic Rays Film Festival.
Czech essay featuring The House of Science.
Screening of 16mm Films at Emerson College.
We need your help and support to raise money for our dear friend and beloved community member, MM Serra.
Interview with Narcisa Hirsch by Lynne Sachs in 2008.
Lynne Sachs to perform at Welcome to Boog City 17.5 arts festival.
Lynne Sachs at Rachel Edelman’s launch of Dear Memphis, a poetry collection.
Experiments in Documentary edited by Lynne Sachs and Lucas Hilderbrand